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Frequently, we caution children, "Watch what you're doing." Sometimes with greater urgency, "Watch Out!!" We understand that focusing their attention will provoke children to greater discovery and care. But when it comes to ourselves, do we really watch what we're doing?We are spending our days in the most significant way possible - we are caring for children; but are we getting careless? Are the years smoothing away our questions and our enthusiasm? Are knowledge and creativity turning into habit? Are we relying on what has worked before to work again? Are we really focusing, each day, on the all-important work that we are doing? Are we striving to improve, or have we settled for good enough?
Even the best teacher can be better. Even the most careful, the most focused among us must be constantly relearning. Why? Because each child, each situation, each day is different. Understanding child development, knowing the ideas and research of the great thinkers in early childhood, having years of experience, starting new and full of enthusiasm - these are not enough. It is not enough to know about the children. We ...