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The Purpose and Passion of KLA Schools

by Candy and Roberto Ortega as told to Dan Salter
January/February 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/the-purpose-and-passion-of-kla-schools/5026977/

*Photos can be found in the pdf version of this article.


Candy and Roberto Ortega are the heart and soul of the KLA Schools’ interpretation of Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool. Pouring their lives into the children and families of their community of schools, the duo has transformed vision into reality. And their story is only just beginning. 

Candy: I have heard it a thousand times, and you probably have, too: “Children have such amazing potential for learning!” Then one of two things usually happens. We set them aside without resources until they are “old enough” to interact intelligibly, or we sit them in their chairs while force-feeding them facts to memorize. But imagine a world where teachers supplied children with freedom instead of weighty requirements, and opportunities rather than oppressive control. The idea for such a world began in northern Italy, especially concentrated in the city of Reggio Emilia. I will never forget observing classrooms there and having my breath taken away. Small groups of children, thoroughly engaged throughout different spaces, were building, researching, painting, playing … they were all actively learning!

Assorted displays of their projects surrounded us. Their curiosity, distinctive interests, and creative abilities mesmerized and overwhelmed me with one Wow! ...

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