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Getting and Keeping Your Groove: Building Resilience in Adults

by Rachel Robertson and Helen Zarba
September/October 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/getting-and-keeping-your-groove-building-resilience-in-adults/5021951/

Life is hard. There, we said it. There are ups and downs, good and bad in everyone’s lives. Some days are good, some days not so much. We work in a field where we have all ­chosen to give a lot of ourselves. We are inspired and ­fulfilled by our work (if we aren’t, we should consider finding different careers), but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take its toll. Amidst stories and block play, learning to read and tie shoes, there are children who need us: to teach them how to read and tie shoes, to play with and laugh with, to hug and console, to dry tears and ease worries. And sometimes there are ­children who need us even more: whose home lives are unhappy, whose behavior or development concern us, whose parents are unable to give them what they need. Let’s face it, parents and families often need us, too. So while we early childhood professionals are a naturally hardy group of ­people, we r­egularly draw on our resilience and strength. If we don’t replenish these, we’ll burn out. To avoid this, we must ­continually nurture our resilience.


What is resilience anyway? Resilience is a set of characteristics that allows ...

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