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Finding Literacy in the Block Corner: Bridging Research and Practice

by Jill Scott and Karen Wohlwend
January/February 2021
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/bridging-research-and-practice-finding-literacy-in-the-block-corner/5025727/

*See the pdf version for additional photos and graphics.


Bridging Research and Practice 

The Bridging Research and Practice feature includes an article on an aspect of early childhood research, plus links to the original published research with a companion article full of practical strategies for how to implement the research in your practice.

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Outside the large picture window, snow fell softly, dusting the sidewalk outside the child care center. Inside, preschoolers lined up hollow wooden blocks, placing them side-by-side in the center of the block corner. I watched as the children dragged each one across the carpet and pushed them into place. As they built, they directed one another:

“Put it here.”

“No, there.”

“Nuh-uh, over here.”

Sometimes, the children resorted to pushing off a misplaced block until finally, two tiers of a raised platform emerged. I watched, transfixed, as one child hoisted a final block on top of the structure. Plopping down in front of the large metal steering wheel protruding from the block, he spun the wheel this way and that, ...

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