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Books to Tickle Funny Bones

by Karen Stephens
July/August 2000
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/books-to-tickle-funny-bones/5013457/

Going for the Giggles:
Ways to Get Belly Laughs at Storytime

Read a book you genuinely find funny. Intend to have FUN with it.
Read or rehearse the story so you know plot and subtleties well.
Enthusiastically share it. Enjoy yourself! Be flamboyant. Try outrageous on for size!
Scan the group and maintain eye contact as much as possible.
Repeat stories. Kids love it, plus each reading becomes funnier because you relax.
Check your inhibitions at the door. Go for the gusto! Play your characters up to the hilt.
Set the mood using a spotlight, backlighting, props, or low background music.
Use exaggerated facial expressions: look shocked, amazed, astounded, appalled, delighted.
Try out subtle cues: tilt head, raise an eyebrow, purse lips, tsk, nod, shake head, squint.
Use intriguing voices and predictable mannerisms to portray distinct characters.
Vary your volume to maintain interest; project from your diaphram so all can hear.
Add flare with a choice prop. Try: hat, wig, puppet, cape, wand, crown, streamers, etc.
Exaggerate your body language to play up on funny parts.
Build excitement in your voice to heighten suspense.
Pause a second before a punch line, then deliver with assurance.
Engage kids often. They love to repeat phrases and chants.
Have children provide sound or visual effects, such as ...

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