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Achieving Quality: Helping Teachers to Use Interest Areas Effectively

by Diane Trister Dodge
September/October 1989
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/achieving-quality-helping-teachers-to-use-interest-areas-effectively/5006939/

"Our new room arrangement worked so well that we haven't changed a thing since you were here last." This statement, made by a teacher whose classroom I had visited, serves to underscore the importance of appropriate learning environments. A well organized and rich physical environment is indeed critical in achieving a quality program, critical because it functions as the "textbook" of an early childhood curriculum.

Equally important, however, is knowing how to use the materials in each interest area to facilitate learning. To ensure that the environment provides children with new challenges and retains their interest and involvement, teachers must also develop a facility for changing and continually adding to the materials and arrangement of each interest area.

A step-by-step approach can be quite effective in helping teachers appreciate the learning potential in each area of the classroom. The approach involves a sequence of strategies that center directors can implement in their ongoing work with staff. These include:

1. Understanding How Each Interest Area Can Promote a Child's Development and Learning

The traditional interest areas of a preschool classroom-blocks, house corner, table toys, art, sand and water, library, and outdoors-offer a wealth of learning opportunities for young ...

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