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A Muddy First

by Michael Follett, Kristian Hancock, and Diana Suskind
July/August 2014
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-muddy-first/5021854/

Castle Primary School, South West England. It is a grey November Thursday on one of the wettest days in the wettest month, in a country known for its rain. The school grounds are saturated and everything is a shade of brown; perfect conditions for Castle ­Primary’s and possibly England’s first ‘School Muddy Play Day.’

More than 50 parents arrive, over half of them men, dressed in their wellies and waterproofs, ready to get muddy, but no idea of just how muddy they are going to get. Excitement is in the air. Sean, the school caretaker, groundsman, and play leader, has been preparing resource areas. The unknown is about to happen.

The afternoon starts with a short introduction. The school is keen to explain to parents that play is a valuable process as well as being fun. Michael Follett, Director of OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning and a former teacher and government school improvement adviser), opens by asking parents to turn to their neighbor and share about their favorite places they played as children. When asked if it was outdoors, they all raise their hands in unison. Michael then asks, “Do you feel your child has had more opportunities for free-range play than ...

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