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A Journey Towards Inclusion

by Kate Jordan-Downs
January/February 2016
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/a-journey-towards-inclusion/5022718/

For as long as I can remember, I have been disturbed by how people tend to exclude others who look, speak, believe, or behave differently. I heard the jeers made by classmates about my father’s physical disability; listened to my friend, Sarah, repeat back a joke that someone told at her expense, yet convinced her it was funny; and worked with countless families searching for an early childhood program that would welcome their child rather than slam the door in their faces. All of these experiences, and countless more, have led me to work to bring about a spirit of inclusion rather than exclusion. 

As early childhood educators and leaders, we hold immense power and responsibility in our hands. We have the ability to impact the earliest experiences of entire generations, which will set ­children on paths that influence how children view themselves, others, and the world around them. With this power, we must commit to creating equal opportunity for all children to grow and learn, so that they will be equipped to become engaged members of their communities. By welcoming children of all abilities and life experiences, we take the first step in changing the general belief that high-quality early learning ...

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